Glacier National Park 2010

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Open the Eyes of My Heart

I heard a song a few minutes ago and the lyrics touched my heart. I'd heard it before, many times but it pierced my soul today and became my prayer.

"open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You, I want to see You"

That is what I want! I want to see the Lord in every part of my life. But I want not only to see Him......I want to see like Him! From my understanding, my perception, the Lord reached out to all people with His love.  He could see the hurts within and offered His Healing Love.....He urged us to love one care for each other.....without prejudice, without bias, without fear.

It isn't my place to decide who should or shouldn't be point out "sin" in others when I have been forgiven so, no,no.....He said 'by this will people know you are my disciples, that you love one another.' That is how I want others to know I love Him.....because I show His Love through my actions, through the way I treat those around me.

"Open the eyes of my heart Lord...."

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