Glacier National Park 2010

Monday, April 22, 2013

Brief Thought

Last night, for the first time in a relatively long time, the fibro monster reared its ugly head.....and sleep did not come easy.  As a result today was difficult for me....the pain was one issue I dealt with along with children anxious for school to be OVER....and rescheduled grade level world is topsy turvy.

And at a time when I should be filled with joy at all the good things in my life, I feel depression tugging at my coat tails......maybe depression is the wrong word.  Quite suddenly I feel no sense of purpose in my life......I find myself questioning whether I am in the right profession? Am I impacting my students in a positive way?  Perhaps there is another field where I might do more good......but I cannot imagine switching careers at my age........and so my thoughts went today.

It is highly probable that these thoughts are simply the result of fitful sleep and the resulting pain. I have no time for slows slows my attempts to limit what I want to accomplish with the time I have left......and that angers me.

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