Glacier National Park 2010

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life is Good

Things have been going well lately....a few bouts with pain but not the mind numbing kind....the school year is almost over, 3 more days for teachers....the mural I'm working on is progressing nicely...I was feeling pretty good.  Then......

Yep, I woke up and couldn't open my left eye! And the right eye was aching. I stumble into the bathroom and there in the mirror I see reflected what could be a character from "The Walking Dead!"  Once I wash the crud from around my eyelids I'm greeted with a blood red eyeball on the left and a pinkish one on the is a raging case of PINK EYE.  Of course that means I cannot go to is highly contagious I'm told.....and as I discovered when I stepped out to water my plants, sunlight makes it really hurt.  Not to mention the lets do mention itches terribly!

Several of my dear, precious students have come to school recently sporting the same red eyed look only to be sent right back home.  However, they have already exposed their class mates (and teachers) to this malady.  Several years ago I suffered through four separate bouts of this yuckiness.  Until today I thought perhaps I'd developed an immunity....alas, it is not to be.

On the up side, I'm not sick per se....just suffering ocular discomfort.  This means I get a day at home to catch up on laundry and paperwork.  I've been a little too tired lately to take care of those things adequately....working all day and painting all weekend eats up the hours. It feels nice to have time to catch my breath.

As I said, the painting is going well.  The client is so pleased with the results, that he is already talking to me about doing something special for his youngest daughter!  Thankfully, it will not require a scaffold to complete.  Maybe I will be able to supplement my meager salary with a few painting jobs....we'll see.

Also, I've been hired as a tutor for two students! Those jobs won't actually begin until the end of July but I'm really pleased.  One parent has already said she wants to reserve time for two sessions a week beginning in July and going on into the school year.  The other parent wants one session a week and perhaps two once school begins.  Those two jobs will really help especially with my daughter's wedding approaching....I want to help her as much as I can.

The wedding plans are progressing nicely.  She's booked a photographer and we're meeting with a prospective caterer next week.  The cake tasting will be the week after that.  Then the search for the perfect dress begins. Methinks I will be a busy bee all summer. But I am enjoying the time with my baby girl, so much more than she'll ever know.

To think that a year ago I was a wretched mess and felt myself drowning in darkness.  When I let God step in, He did a wondrous thing.....and He continues to do so.  Of course I stumble....quite a lot...I'm like a toddler learning to walk in a minefield! But God is right there guiding me and healing my hurts.  He puts friends in my life to offer love and support.....He corrects me when I'm wrong....but most importantly, He never lets me forget how much He loves me.

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