Glacier National Park 2010

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Future Plans

What a wonderful week!  Spent 3 1/2 days with my best friend...rested....did lots of thinking...enjoyed the time away.

There is this sense deep within me of a change coming....not sure what shape it will take...but it is coming.  Sounds silly doesn't it? I'm sure it is all tied into the fact that my one and only daughter is now engaged to be married. Although it has only been one week, things have already begun changing.

The best change so far has been the time I've spent talking, texting, being with my daughter.  Its as if we are finally becoming friends in addition to a mother /daughter combo. There has been a fence between us since she was junior high age....the fence became a wall during my divorce. But the wall slowly started coming down about a year brick at a time. This week we've talked or texted daily, have gone out to lunch, have laughed and cried together. For me, it has been glorious.

One thing I've learned this week is that putting a wedding together will be fun....and torture. I never knew how many tiny details have to be decided and decided upon before a wedding can actually happen.  First and foremost has been to decide on a date.  Sounds easy right? Nope. After a great deal of talking and checking of calendars and schedules, she thought they'd found the perfect one had a birthday, there was no national holiday, etc. Perfect.....and then....

We started talking about her younger brother's work schedule at Auburn University...he works as a videographer for the football team....and I decided to double check the football schedule. If you are from the South then you understand how crucial that is in the Fall.  And when we did....oh my goodness! The date we'd thought so perfect only moments before turned out to be the very Saturday the Iron Bowl is to be played at Auburn University!  There is no way my only daughter's wedding would be scheduled for the Saturday the biggest football rivalry in the South is to be played. I had alternating visions of no one attending or everyone wearing ear buds to follow the play by play during the ceremony and reception.!!! It has happened people.

So now we have gone back to searching calendars, double checking schedules, looking at venue availability. We don't have a date yet but that is okay.  It will be set and then the real fun will begin.  I want it to be a day of happy memories for my little girl and the man who will become my son....and I will do whatever she needs me to do in order to insure that it will be.

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