Glacier National Park 2010

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another week is flying by and I am still living in limbo. My physical world has become limited to my bedroom, my bathroom, the kitchen and sometimes the den....when I am at the house. My contact with people is even more narrow.....children and coworkers at attorney...and that's about it.

The sense of being alone has certainly intensified and oft times the depth of my loneliness cannot be measured...and are momets when I feel flashes of the person I was. Moments when I feel strong, empowered, capable of many things! It is a glorious feeling....and one I waited for a long time.

A year ago I was contemplating death as an option to the barren, empty life I was living.

Amazing isn't it? How life changes when one takes charge of oneself.


Endings signal new beginnings.
Prune away that which no longer blooms.
Make way for the new growth which is to come.
Growth that reaches upward,
spiraling toward the encouraging brightness of the sun,
spreading outward
with limbs full
of budding promise.