Glacier National Park 2010

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back Again

this is usually a lonely time of day for me.....something about twilight approaching.....if I'm going to be overcome with tears this will be the time......3 out of 5 days I weep......some days not even sure what I' weeping for.....some days its cathartic....others not so much......but eventually the tears stop and I take a big breath and know tomorrow will be better........tomorrow is the day dreams come if not today then tomorrow.....and so goes the life of the eternal optimist.

been busy finding my way.....leaving a marriage and trying to do so with memories of only the good and lessons learned from the bad......discovering my voice words....they are the path to who I writing there is discovery.......the writings of others inspire, encourage, writings exorcise demons.........define me........comfort....."through pain comes growth" true my friend, so true.....

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